I write about many different topics on this site, but you all must be particularly interested fashion, because my recent piece about dressing professionally quickly became my most-viewed post ever. I certainly don’t consider myself a fashionista, but I do frequently think about what I wear, how I present myself, and what I buy. For me, these topics are not just about image but also touch on issues of feminism, sustainability, and ethics, and they raise questions about my priorities for my time, money, and mental energy.
In the past week, I’ve come across several essays and discussions addressing fashion from this more wholistic perspective. Since you folks enjoyed my work wardrobe tips so much, I thought I’d share these links with you. (In addition, be sure to read my past posts on Project333 – also here, here, and here – if you haven’t already.)
- BBC.com published an article on how women’s workwear has evolved over the decades. The tag line sums up the piece well: “Patriarchal workplaces have long demanded females look and dress a certain way. But despite how far we’ve come, ‘the reality is that people will judge’ women’s appearance.”
- Fast Company wrote about an experiment in which two editors wore the exact same outfit for weeks on end. Over the past few years, I’ve read many, many essays about work uniforms and similar experiments, but I found this piece particularly thorough and insightful. One takeaway: people don’t notice what you’re wearing nearly as much as you think they do, so it’s not really worth devoting so much energy and money to your outfits.
- As a bit of a counterpoint, the Happy Lawyer Project podcast shared an interview of a stylist who helps professional women level-up their work wardrobes. She offered some interesting tips for people who want to look the part and feel confident in their clothes. (Although the podcast’s target audience is lawyers, this episode is not specific to those working in the legal field.)
Have you read or listened to any great conversations about these topics recently? Please share them with us in the comments, along with your own thoughts about these issues. I love to read your points of view!
Thanks for reading, and please share my posts if you enjoy them. Have a great week!