One of the great joys of being my son’s mama has been introducing him to new things and watching his face light up in response. He loves to dance, sing, and listen to music, and playing new songs for him is so fun. In addition to all the usual kid songs, we’ve developed a tried-and-true list of all-ages tracks on YouTube that can keep him happy in the car or thwart a nascent tantrum. Here are some of his current favorites:
- Don’t Worry, Be Happy by Bobby McFarren
- The Lion Sleeps Tonight by The Tokens (or as he calls it, “Weembawop”)
- Lollipop by The Chordettes
- I See the Moon by Nancy Sinatra
- Good Day Sunshine by The Beatles
- I’m a Believer by The Monkees
- Folding Chair by Regina Spektor
Readers with young kids, which songs do they love?