Minimizing with a Baby

I got a request to write about minimalism from a mom’s perspective, and right before my son’s first Christmas seems like a great time to do that. Some background for anyone who hasn’t been following me for a while: Over the past year or two, I’ve become increasingly interested in the concept of minimalism. I’ve been working to declutter my home, curb my shopping habit, pare down my wardrobe, and generally eliminate from my life those things that are unnecessary and not useful so that I can better focus my attention and resources on the things that are important to me.

While I hesitate to call myself a minimalist (I still own a lot of stuff), my mindset about the acquisition and retention of belongings has shifted in a way that I suspect will be permanent. It’s become easier for me to let go of what isn’t serving me, to resist the urge to buy new things, and to give more generously. Getting rid of excess stuff has been cathartic, and having fewer things in my house feels both calming and energizing. Letting go of unnecessary material things is really about something bigger — with each item I remove, I’m releasing either an attachment to the past or a worry or insecurity about the future. I’ve rid myself of weighty reminders of who I once was and what I felt I should be or do. Paring down my possessions has been a truly freeing experience.

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Quote of the Week

“I don’t think that fear is the problem.  I think the problem is that we often don’t know what to do with our fear.  We don’t know how to acknowledge it for what it is — which is a feeling which might be giving us some information about the world, but it’s also giving us information about ourselves.”

–Kim Brooks, in an interview with NPR

Black-and-white monotype of studio interior

Baby Coming Soon! What’s Your Advice?

Photo by E.

I wanted to post a quick update to say that my posts will likely become a little more erratic and less frequent for a while as I prepare for the arrival of my little one. I’m getting very close to my due date and doing my best to wrap up some loose ends at work and at home before he makes his appearance. I do plan to continue blogging, but the schedule will probably look a little different for a while. If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll subscribe so you can follow me on this journey!

In the meantime, I thought it would be fun to do an open thread of YOUR advice. Readers who have kids, what are your words of wisdom for brand new parents? Share them in the comments below!

My Parents’ Parenting

Line drawing of a mother embracing her young daughter

A friend who has two young children asked me to write about some positive things my parents did when I was a child that have shaped who I am today.  So many things contribute to why we are the way we are, from genetics to early friendships to traumatic experiences in our youth, but there’s no denying that our parents’ choices, behaviors, and attitudes have a significant impact on the people we become.  Reflecting on our childhoods is valuable for all of us, and it holds particular value for me at this moment, as I prepare to become a parent. Read more