If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you might be under the impression that I am some wise, blissful, perfectly balanced person who has life all figured out. Well, let me assure you, I do not always have it all together. I’m stumbling through life just like everyone else, striving to be the best version of myself, and constantly reevaluating my priorities and goals.
Sometimes I go back through my old writings in an effort to get myself back on track and remember what I was thinking during moments of clarity. The truth is that I often need to reiterate my guiding principles to myself, because it can be easy to fall back into old habits and thought patterns. This is why, I think, many religious people read passages of scripture daily — if we want to live out our values, it helps to continually review them and keep them top of mind. The beauty of writing on a regular basis is that it allows me not only to see how far I’ve come, but to recognize patterns in my thinking and behavior and to hold myself accountable for doing the things I said I would do.
Lately, I’ve found myself especially in need of some reminders. So I’ve looked back to past posts and rounded up some sage advice from past me to present me. Here’s some of what I’ve needed to hear recently:
- Thoughts are just thoughts; they are not necessarily true.
- Not every feeling requires an action, and not every thought needs to be spoken.
- Exercise will almost always make me feel better, especially when done outdoors.
- Connecting with friends really improves my outlook.
- Getting sufficient sleep is crucial for my physical and mental well-being.
- Gratitude can transform how I experience life.
- The present moment is all I ever have. Don’t miss it.
- Replace judgment with curiosity — with respect to others and myself.
- My brain sometimes needs silence, and the chance to devote itself to just one thing.
- Even tiny steps will move me forward.
- When I’m struggling to understand how I feel about something, one of the most helpful things I can do is to write about it.
- I can’t undo what I’ve done in the past, and at some point I have to forgive myself and commit to doing better in the future, now that I know better.
- There will always be more chores, work, and emails. But it’s too easy to let these things drag me through life without really appreciating my surroundings and the magic they hold.
- Time is my most valuable asset; I should try not to waste it on things I don’t want to do.
- It’s good to let myself be bored sometimes.
- Try not to lose sight of the big picture.
- Buying stuff won’t make me happy. Less is more.
- Be vigilant about pulling weeds.
- Stop projecting.
- Get away every once in a while.
- I should forget about other people’s expectations and do what I really want to do.
- Lean on my support system.
What advice have you needed to give yourself lately?
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