As I write this, my household is once again in quarantine because my son was exposed to COVID at daycare. When I got the news on Friday, a sense of dread came over me as I anticipated what the coming week would look like, working from home with a one year old and a three year old.
Here in Tennessee, businesses are starting to open back up again, but my behavior hasn’t changed. I’m still very much isolating at home, and probably will be for some time. I don’t think we’ve seen the worst of this pandemic yet, at least not in our region. Given my pregnancy and autoimmune disease, I’d rather be as cautious as possible for now.
While it’s hard not to see my friends and do some of the things I used to do, I remain in good spirits. Below are a few more benefits of this new lifestyle that I’ve noticed.
A belated Happy New Year! We’re now three weeks into 2020, and I’m happy to say that I’m on my way to establishing some healthy new habits. I mentioned in my last post that I had purchased matching planners for myself and a friend, and now that I’ve been using my planner for a few weeks, I’d like to sing it’s praises — it’s working really well for me. (This is not a sponsored post and it contains no affiliate links, just my honest opinions).
A reader recently asked me to do a post on goal setting, and it’s a topic that’s been on my list for a while, so I’m happy to oblige!
Looking back at stages in my life when I felt like I was underperforming or not living up to my potential, they were pretty much all times when I lacked a vision for where I wanted to go and specific goals I wanted to meet. Goal-setting in school was fairly easy because the structure of formal schooling involves a lot of clear steps and numeric measures. There are external expectations that you can strive toward: get an A on the next test, achieve a certain score on the SAT, rank high in your class, get into college or graduate school, secure an internship, etc. I was a people-pleaser when I was younger, and I was motivated to check those boxes, get the associated praise, and feel like I was in control and doing well.
“You are never alone or helpless. The force that guides the the stars guides you too.” –Shrii Shrii Anandamurt, quoted in You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero
I had a small epiphany recently. For months, my son had been saying something that sounded like “dapadee.” I had no idea what it meant. I felt certain he wasn’t just babbling nonsense syllables, though, because he would say it over and over again. Dapadee! Dapadee! Dapadee dapadeeeeee… What the heck is dapadee? I thought. My husband speculated that maybe he was trying to say “patootie,” which we sometimes call him. We went with that theory for a while because we had no other ideas. For probably three months or so, along with the many other words he was learning, he kept repeating, Dapadee!