As we head into the holiday season, I’ve been thinking about family traditions. Growing up, my family didn’t have a lot of traditions, but the ones we did have were meaningful. As an adult reflecting back on my youth, my memories are largely organized around those traditions, and they help me feel more connected to my family.
“A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy with something, and to know how to demand with all his might that which he desires.”
Five years ago, my mom came to visit and brought a plastic tote full of drawings, worksheets, and other papers from when I was a kid. I began to look through it, but after flipping through a few preschool paintings and coloring book pages, I became bored and overwhelmed by how much there was, and I set the box aside. It remained closed through three moves and ended up in a closet that collects miscellaneous junk.
When I did the 30 day minimalist challenge in January, I was determined to tackle that closet. I pulled down the plastic tote and spent several evenings working my way through it. The box contained everything from day care drawings and hand-made cards to report cards, individualized education plans, and reports and short stories I’d written. Looking over everything provided a sweet and fascinating perspective on my childhood. Rather than seeing my youth through the lens of my memory, I got a more objective glimpse into my early years. Read more
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After just a few days of planning, I started Alexigraph on January 8, 2017. It took me nearly a full day to set up the site, but then I made my first post and I was off and running. It’s hard to believe I’ve been at this for a full year! I love sharing my thoughts and experiences with you, and I truly appreciate you taking the time to read them, respond, and share.
In celebration of one year of blogging, I’m rounding up some of my personal favorite posts from the past year (in no particular order). I know, it’s a long list — I had trouble narrowing it down! Read more