In this occasional series, I share what I’ve been reading, watching, thinking, and doing.
What I’m Reading:
Audio, while doing chores: How to Be an Antiracist, by Ibram X. Kendi.
E-book, while nursing the baby: How to Raise an Adult, by Julie Lythcott-Haims.
Occasional porch reading, while the baby sleeps: Money: A Love Story, by Kate Northrup.
Recently finished and recommended to a friend: Untamed, by Glennon Doyle (this one resonated with me WAY more than I expected it would).
What I’m Watching: Younger
What I’m Listening To: So many podcasts! (I have a lot of time to listen to things right now.) A few favorites: So Money, Crushing Chaos with Law Firm Mentor, Wealthyesque, Simple Families
Current Hobby: Hobby? What’s that? I enjoy going for long walks with my newborn. I’ve been contemplating taking up tennis at some point in the future, when I can fit it in.
Where I’ve Been Recently: The only place I’ve gone since January is to Nashville, for a medical appointment.
What I’m Looking Forward To: The end of this pandemic!
Where I’m Going Next: I’m making a quick trip to Pennsylvania to visit my mom. Beyond that, who knows — I won’t be flying again anytime soon.
Latest Personal Project: In an effort to squeeze in some more physical activity where I can, I’ve been doing daily push-ups, adding one more each day. I’m up to 27 now. We’ll see how high I can go.
Inspired By: The women lawyers in some of my online groups who have managed to pivot and grow their practices during an economic downturn. I love reading about their creativity and resourcefulness.
Recent Moment of Joy: Singing along to Beatles songs in the car with my 2.5 year old son.
Grateful For: 12 weeks of maternity leave.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hi Alexis! Congratulations on the new addition to your family!
I’m honored that you included Wealthyesque among your favorite podcasts. I’m glad to have you along for the ride. 🙂
I love this snapshot post. Such a cute idea! How to Raise an Adult is on my book list. What do you think of it so far? And I’m looking forward to the end of the pandemic, as well. Like you, I’ve been mostly in the house, aside from our daily walks around the neighborhood, going to doctor’s appointments, and voting.
Thanks again for the support. Wishing you and your family all the best!
Thanks so much for stopping by the site and commenting, Rho! Love your podcast! I had to return my (digital) library loan of How to Raise and Adult before I finished it, but so far, it confirms my belief that overinvolved parenting does a disservice to our kids. I’m looking forward to reading the author’s recommendations about how to resist the pressure to orchestrate everything for our children and to instead give them a little more independence in a world where that’s increasingly difficult. Can’t wait to hear more of your wisdom on the Wealthyesque podcast, and I’ll have to check out the Facebook group as well!