With the holiday season well underway, I’ve been thinking a lot about family and community. I had the pleasure of spending Thanksgiving with family, as I’ve always been lucky enough to do. While I was so grateful to be surrounded by my mom, aunt, cousins, and husband, the absence of my father and uncle were palpable — it was our first Thanksgiving without them. Spending these last few days at my parents’ house, it seems as though everywhere I look, I’m reminded of my dad. It’s as if I can still see him sitting in his favorite chair and hear exactly what he would say in response to just about every situation.
I’ll be a little more than seven months pregnant this Christmas, and I’m preparing to spend the holiday at my home in Tennessee rather than traveling to my parents’ house. I know it will be a tough holiday, so I’m already thinking about ways to make it more enjoyable. I hope to surround myself with whatever friends are in town and focus my energies on others, perhaps by volunteering or looking for ways to make my friends’ holidays a little brighter. I would love to hear your suggestions for filling the holidays with warmth, joy, and love when you have to spend them way from your family.
I’m wishing you all a happy holiday season, whatever and however you may celebrate. May you be surrounded with love and feelings of peace.
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