In this occasional series, I share what I’ve been reading, watching, thinking, and doing.
What I’m Reading:
Audio, while doing chores: How to Be an Antiracist, by Ibram X. Kendi.
E-book, while nursing the baby: How to Raise an Adult, by Julie Lythcott-Haims.
Occasional porch reading, while the baby sleeps: Money: A Love Story, by Kate Northrup.
Recently finished and recommended to a friend: Untamed, by Glennon Doyle (this one resonated with me WAY more than I expected it would).
What I’m Watching: Younger
What I’m Listening To: So many podcasts! (I have a lot of time to listen to things right now.) A few favorites: So Money, Crushing Chaos with Law Firm Mentor, Wealthyesque, Simple Families
Current Hobby: Hobby? What’s that? I enjoy going for long walks with my newborn. I’ve been contemplating taking up tennis at some point in the future, when I can fit it in.
Where I’ve Been Recently: The only place I’ve gone since January is to Nashville, for a medical appointment.
What I’m Looking Forward To: The end of this pandemic!
Where I’m Going Next: I’m making a quick trip to Pennsylvania to visit my mom. Beyond that, who knows — I won’t be flying again anytime soon.
Latest Personal Project: In an effort to squeeze in some more physical activity where I can, I’ve been doing daily push-ups, adding one more each day. I’m up to 27 now. We’ll see how high I can go.
Inspired By: The women lawyers in some of my online groups who have managed to pivot and grow their practices during an economic downturn. I love reading about their creativity and resourcefulness.
Recent Moment of Joy: Singing along to Beatles songs in the car with my 2.5 year old son.
Grateful For: 12 weeks of maternity leave.
Have a wonderful weekend!