You may have noticed a decrease in the frequency of my posts this spring and summer. It’s been an unsettling few months for all of us. I’ve been more inclined to turn inward, and this season has felt like one for listening rather than talking.
I recently said goodbye to my 2011 Mini Cooper hardtop. I bought it new in April 2011, which feels like a lifetime ago. It was the first car I chose for myself and paid for with my own money. I drove it for more than 200,000 miles.
I recently finished the Hulu miniseries Little Fires Everywhere, based on the novel by Celeste Ng. (I have not read the book, although I understand that the screen adaptation departs from it in important ways.) I was unaware of the plot when I clicked to watch the miniseries, and wow — it resonated with me deeply. I didn’t love the ending, which I won’t give away for those who haven’t seen it, but the show addressed heavy, complicated themes profoundly. It made a big impression on me.
Here in Tennessee, businesses are starting to open back up again, but my behavior hasn’t changed. I’m still very much isolating at home, and probably will be for some time. I don’t think we’ve seen the worst of this pandemic yet, at least not in our region. Given my pregnancy and autoimmune disease, I’d rather be as cautious as possible for now.
While it’s hard not to see my friends and do some of the things I used to do, I remain in good spirits. Below are a few more benefits of this new lifestyle that I’ve noticed.
Today is the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. Lately, while spending so much time at home, I’ve been thinking about the impact of our lawn and garden activities on our ecosystems. As I work in my dining room and go for walks around my neighborhood, I’ve become more aware of how many of my neighbors regularly have their lawns sprayed with synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. The homogeneously green, weed-free grass might fit a contemporary perfectionist aesthetic, but I cringe each time I see a TruGreen or LawnDoctor truck roll down the street or notice the little flags in the yards designed to alert people that it was just sprayed.