When I mention Alexigraph to people who haven’t read it, they often ask, “What’s it about?” When I decided to start blogging, I had a general idea of the topics that I would cover, but I hadn’t fully crystallized my vision for the site. Now that I’ve been posting for about a month and a half, I can offer a clearer image.
Month: February 2017
Quote of the Week
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“We all have two lives. The second one starts when we realize that we only have one.”
Box sign available from WordsofWisdomNH on Etsy.
More wise words from Confucius
Let’s Talk About Money: My Journey Toward Financial Freedom
The topic of money management came up in a conversation with some friends recently, and I later realized that it was not a subject I’d ever previously discussed with my friends. Sure, we occasionally bemoan how expensive something is or lament our monthly student loan payments, but we never really talk about saving, planning, or investing. Money is one of those subjects that is seen as taboo, especially among women. We fear being perceived as greedy, and we don’t want to invite comparisons of salaries and financial well-being. But money really is power, and we need to be able to confront the topic without fear or intimidation. Good financial management brings freedom. Let’s break the silence.
The Weekend Listen
I listen to a lot of podcasts while driving, working out, and doing chores around the house. In this weekly feature, I’ll tell you about one episode I particularly enjoyed that week.
Continuing this week’s love theme, Modern Love: the Podcast shares three of the most popular essays from the New York Times’s Modern Love column, read by well-known actors. Colin Farrell reads Gary Presley’s “Would My Heart Outrun Its Pursuer?”, Gillian Jacobs reads Mandy Len Catron’s “To Fall in Love with Anyone, Do This,” and Tony Hale reads Steve Friedman’s “Just Friends? Let Me Read Between the Lines.” You may already have read these essays, but they’re worth revisiting.
Happy listening!
Are you listening to a great podcast that I haven’t mentioned yet? Please let us know in the comments!
Friend Love: In Appreciation of My Tribe

On Tuesday, in honor of Valentine’s Day, I wrote about my husband. While he’s amazing and I’m so grateful for the relationship we have, he isn’t the only source of love in my life. I firmly believe that we shouldn’t expect one person to satisfy all of our needs. Today, I want to show my gratitude for my friends.