Big Picture Goals vs. Checking Off Boxes

Painting of a photo album with scattered photographs

I’ve written a lot of posts about steps I’ve taken to improve my day-to-day life and overall wellness, like reading books, meditating, language-learning, and exercising.  I’ve even described myself as a bit of a self-improvement junkie.  I am constantly consuming media about the latest health-related studies and how to become more efficient and effective in my professional and personal life.

I believe this continual learning and experimenting adds value to my life, but it’s easy to let these habit-related, day-to-day pursuits distract me from long-term planning.  Setting big goals and grand-scale intentions is something that I haven’t done very often in my life, though I know it’s important.  I’m talking about envisioning my life decades from now and asking myself what I want it to look like.  What contributions will I have made to the world?  What kind of lifestyle will I be living?  If I could call myself an expert at something, what would it be? Read more