What to Do With Your Tax Refund Instead of Buying Stuff

Money: a one dollar bill on top of a twenty dollar bill on top of a credit card

If you’re really on top of things and heed the identity theft-prevention advice to file your tax returns as early as possible, you may have already received and spent your tax refund.  Good for you!  We’re still waiting for our refund, because newborn (and, let’s be honest, because of the same procrastination that hits every tax season).  Of course, not everyone gets a refund.  Last year, we were in that camp and had to pay the IRS — not a fun surprise.  But the average federal tax refund is $2,895, and for many Americans who don’t get annual or quarterly bonuses from their employers, it’s their only unbudgeted monetary windfall.

No matter your current situation, a couple thousand dollars can go pretty far in helping you to achieve your financial goals.  As I mentioned last month, I’m making an effort to buy fewer things, and I don’t want to watch my tax refund dollars evaporate in a shopping spree, spent on things that will just further fill my house, only to be discarded in a future decluttering effort.  If you’re in the same boat and are looking for some more intentional uses for your hard-earned money, here are a few ideas.  Read more

Happy Birthday, Alexigraph!

Photo of flowers in Santorini with the text “We’re 1!”

After just a few days of planning, I started Alexigraph on January 8, 2017.  It took me nearly a full day to set up the site, but then I made my first post and I was off and running.  It’s hard to believe I’ve been at this for a full year!  I love sharing my thoughts and experiences with you, and I truly appreciate you taking the time to read them, respond, and share.

In celebration of one year of blogging, I’m rounding up some of my personal favorite posts from the past year (in no particular order).  I know, it’s a long list — I had trouble narrowing it down! Read more

Snapshot: September 28, 2017

Photo of the author

In this occasional series, I share what I’ve been reading, watching, thinking, and doing.

What I’m Reading:

What I’m Watching:  The Good Place

What I’m Listening To:  The Gen Why Lawyer Podcast, “Taking 100% Responsibility for Your Happiness with Okeoma Moronu”

Current Guilty Pleasure:  Long naps (although truthfully, I don’t really feel that guilty about them!)

Where I’ve Been Recently:  Athens and Santorini (in June and July)

What I’m Looking Forward To:  The arrival of baby D!

Latest Personal Project:  Cooking more and trying new recipes with the help of PlateJoy

Recent Moment of Joy:  Feeling another being moving around in my belly.  It’s pretty amazing!

Currently Inspired By:  Several smart, driven, all-around-impressive women lawyers I’ve met recently through the Tennessee Lawyers’ Association for Women.

Grateful For:  The many kind and understanding people in my life who have graciously listened to me complain about the less fun aspects of my pregnancy, and who have cut me some slack while I don’t feel like my usual self.  Thank you!



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How to Pack for a Two-Week Vacation with Only a Carry-On

A carry-on-size suitcase, tote bag, and water bottle - all you need for your vacation

In response to my last post, several people expressed surprise at my ability to pack for an international vacation with only a carry-on suitcase. As a follow-up, I thought I’d share some details about how I pack. Most of my longer trips have been in the summer, and some of these tips apply best to warm-weather travel, but others are useful year-round.

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The Unexpected Benefits of International Travel

Sun setting next to an Ancient Greek temple to Poseidon
Poseidon Temple, Sounio, Greece

I’ve been lucky to have had a number of opportunities to travel abroad, starting with a school trip to Europe when I was 15.  So far, I’ve traveled to locations in North, Central, and South America; Western Europe; and Australia.  There are many, many more places I hope to go.  Travel is expensive, but to me, the experiences are well worth making sacrifices in other areas.  The world is a big place, full of beauty and adventures waiting to be had.  In addition to the obvious, here are a few less expected benefits of traveling.

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